Empowering Professionals Online
With a focus on mental health and coaching professionals, WP Web Solutions offers specialized services tailored for those seeking a strong online presence.
I bring years of experience in coaching and consulting individuals through the intricate process of creating and maintaining WordPress websites. I excel in guiding professionals towards establishing a unique and impactful online presence in the digital realm.
Having served a diverse range of clients, from individual therapists to community organizations, WP Web Solutions has a proven track record of helping professionals reach more clients and create a tangible impact within their communities.

My Vision
To be the leading provider of technology coaching to help mental health and coaching professionals understand technology so they can thrive in today’s digital world.
My Mission
Offer personalized coaching, cutting-edge technology, and first class support to help professional therapists and coaches across the globe reach their full potential online and make a meaningful impact in their client populations.
About Me

After a couple of false starts, I settled into a career in software technology at the age of 30. I ended up getting a Master’s degree in computer science a few years later, and spent 35+ years working in a variety of contexts as a manager and senior consultant, mostly involving software process development, enterprise technology training, and software quality assurance. But about midway through, I found myself burning out and wondered whether I should consider transitioning to a different career. So I worked with a career counselor, who had me take a preferences test. It suggested (among other things) counseling or clinical psychology as a field I might consider. That was way outside my current experience and education, so I shelved the possibility as an interesting one (but impractical at present) and continued on in my high-tech career. Better the devil I knew than the devil I didn’t know, I thought.
I had thought that I’d be able to work in high-tech as long as I wanted. But in my late 40s, I began to realize it was becoming increasingly difficult for older people in high-tech careers to find new positions, and decided it was time to revisit the possibility of a career change — to something I could do as I aged. I went to another career counselor, and the results were the same as they had been over a decade before: I needed to consider a career in counseling. But I hadn’t taken a single psychology course as an undergraduate. So I spent the next few years researching schools and programs, and taking psychology prerequisites at various local colleges to prepare for the application process. I entered a Master’s program in clinical psychology in 2000, at the age of 53 — and got an internship and then a full-time position when I graduated at a medium sized mental health agency.
That’s where I became interested in the relatively new field of life/executive coaching, which I hadn’t heard of before. Several of my coworkers and I started a lunchtime group where we researched and discussed coaching, and shared our experiences in taking training in coaching techniques. I went on to become a Board Certified Coach through the Center for Credentialing and Education, the same organization that had licensed me as a therapist. I ended up returning to a high-tech position and coached individuals who were looking at career transitions as a sideline.
In my 50s, I put away as much in my 401K as my budget allowed, taking advantage of my employer’s matching policy. When I hit my early 60s, I started thinking seriously about retirement for the first time in my life — researching Medicare, Social Security, and developing a detailed retirement budget — deciding where I wanted to live in retirement, and what I wanted to do. My goals were to develop my coaching process as a “retiree” (a word that may have outlived its usefulness for many of us), and get back into writing nonfiction. I learned a lot in the process — and my experiences have been invaluable in working with clients like yourself.